
如今网络发展得太快,现在网站设计跟不上时代的发展,互联网上很大一部分企业网站建设缺乏设计思想,没有个性,并没有体现企业文化,还远远停留在几年前的水平,颇具设计思想、富于企业文化信息、令人流连忘返、过目难忘、能够起到营销作用的的网站更是凤毛麟角。随着网络的发展,人们的鉴赏力也越来越高,对于网站的设计也越来越在意,我们的网站应该不仅仅是信息的简单罗列,否则就会很容易被淹没在浩如烟海的互联网之中。我们随便在一个搜索引擎上查找某一行业的企业网站,我们都会找到成千上万条信息,试想,在这么多的网站中,没有自己企业特色、平庸无奇的网站是不会令人赶兴趣的,更不用说进入详细浏览了,我们知道,好的衣服能提高一个人的身价,好的网站也会提高一个企业的形象,一个好的网站在结构,导航,用色,内容等各个方面都是很讲究的,也要符合seo优化,它可能很简单,但却给人一种吸引力,让浏览者观赏的同时了解了企业信息。Now network development too fast, now gansu website design can\"t keep up with the development of The Times, the Internet is a big part of the enterprise website construction design thought of, have no personality, and did not reflect the enterprise culture, are far from stay in the level of a few years ago, a design, abound enterprise culture information, a reluctant, look over unforgettable, can rise the marketing effect of the web site more rare. Along with the development of the network, the eye of people more and more is also high, for the website design is also more and more care about, our web site must be not only the information dictated, or it will be very easy to be drowned in the vast multitude of the Internet. We literally in a search engine for a specific industry enterprise web site, we will find hundreds of thousands of information, just think, in so many of the site, not their enterprise characteristics, mediocre and white website is not surprising the interested, let alone into the detailed browsing, we know, good clothes can enhance a person\"s prestige, good website will also improve a enterprise image, a good web site in structure, navigation, coloring, content and so on each respect is very exquisite, she can be very simple, but give a person a kind of appeal, let your visitors view and understand the enterprise information.企业网站代表了一个企业的精神面貌,是企业的形象所在,如果网站不能反映企业的形象,反而被毛糙的文字、粗劣的图片以及千篇一律的布局影响企业形象在浏览者心目中的地位,那么还不如不做!Enterprise web site represents a enterprise spirit, is the enterprise image is, if the site can\"t reflect the image of the enterprise, instead of words, the poor of coarse pictures and waking influence enterprise image in layout visitors the status of mind, so as not to do!评价一个网站好坏的标准仅仅凭美观还远远不够,因为对于企业来说,建设网站的目的不是观赏,而是营销,当然,这里所说的营销是广义上的营销,即并不只是要实现在线购物或支付,所有有助于提升企业形象、促进品牌宣传、提高服务质量的任何互联网营销手段都属于这个范畴。从某种意义上来说,网站营销对是传统营销方式的一种有效的补充,是一种新型的营销方式,是运用现代计算机信息技术尤其是网络技术来进行的一种社会生产经营形态,根本目的是增强企业的竞争力、增加或提高销售或服务、增进与消费者或客户的交流与沟通、提高企业生产效率、降低经营成本、优化资源配置。但是,值得注意的是:大部分企业并没有网络营销意识,不知道如何利用网站进行营销,尤其是对于网站的实际作用并不看好!实际工作中往往在我们的一再督促下,这些客户才配合完成网站的发布,在他们的思想里建立网站只是不要落伍?!可以想象,这样的建站态度是无法体现网站的价值的,而也有客户曾打电话给我,高兴地对我说:他已经通过网站接到订单了!我想,这是对建站者最大的鼓舞,也是对我们工作最大的肯定。Evaluate a websites solely on the standard of beauty is still not good enough, because for enterprise, it is not the purpose of building site viewing, but marketing, of course, here said the marketing is generalized marketing, which not only to realize the online shopping or pay, all help to promote the enterprise image, promote the brand promotion, and improve the service quality of any Internet marketing means all belong to this category. In a sense, the web site of marketing is the traditional marketing way an effective complement, it is a kind of new ways of marketing, is using the modern computer information technology, especially the network technology to a kind of social production and operation form, fundamental purpose is to enhance the enterprise the competitive ability, increase or improve the sales or service, improve and customers or clients exchange and communication, improve production efficiency and reduce operating costs, optimize the allocation of resources. But, it is worth noting that: most of the enterprise and have no network marketing consciousness, don\"t know how to use the web site on marketing, especially for the website of the actual role is not good! In the actual work often in our has repeatedly urged, these customers to cooperate to complete the release of website, in their thoughts in a web site just don\"t fall behind? ! As you can imagine, this site is unable to reflect the website attitude of value, and also have the customer had to call me, happy to say to me: he has been through a web site received orders! I think, this is one of the biggest stick to inspire, but also for our work the affirmation of the largest.个别企业的网站负责人员追求新技术,在自己的站点里放置了许多网页特效,比如Java,一方面效果令人不敢恭维,另一方面,这些特效会延长浏览器下载时间。其中隐含的严重问题是:漫长的等待会吓跑所有浏览者,严重地影响网站和企业在顾客心中的形象,而这些浏览者往往不再进入您的网站!放弃这些特效,好好设计和规划你的网站,往往比使用那些特效更容易贴近客户,实际上这些特效是从来与好的企业站点无缘的,细心浏览著名企业的站点,您一定有很多收获。The individual enterprise web site responsible for personnel for the new technology, in their own site placed in many web special effects, such as Java, on the one hand, the effect is not flattery, on the other hand, these effects will extend the browser to download time. Implied in serious problem is: a long wait will scare away all your visitors, serious influence on the web site and enterprise in the customer in the heart of image, and these visitors often not enter your web site! Give up these effects, and a good design and planning your website, often use more easily than all the effects to the customer, in fact these effects is never and good enterprise site for no, careful browsing famous enterprise site, you must have a lot of harvest.另外,有一点企业必须认识到:一个网站必须保持经常性的更新,才能不断吸引访问者再次光临,使潜在的消费者变成客户,如果网站一成不变,是无法获得更多的商业机会的,因此,企业网站的维护是网站营销又一个很重要的手段。但是,大多数企业并没有意识到这一点,或被忙碌的工作所累,无暇顾及,或者干脆因为没有必要的技术人员从而放弃。在此提醒各位企业人注意:必须把网站的维护工作放到议事日程上来,否则,您就在放弃很多垂手可得的商业机会!In addition, there is a small enterprise must realize: a web site must maintain constant updates constantly to attract visitors to come again, make the potential consumers into customer, if a web site the same and is unable to get more business opportunities, therefore, the enterprise web site maintenance is web site marketing and a very important method. However, most of the enterprise and didn\"t realize this, or was busy work tired, too busy, or simply because there is no necessary technical personnel and give up. In this remind each enterprise note: must be the website maintenance work on the place on the agenda, otherwise, you are giving up a lot of business opportunities helps!本文发布于杭州网站建设公司小编http://www.1558.cn/



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