
什么是整合营销传播?整合营销传播英文为:Integrated Marketing Communicatins,简称:IMC IMC的核心思想是将与企业进行所有关的一切传播活动一元化。 IMC一方面把广告、促销、公关、直销、CI、包装、新闻媒体等一切传播活动都涵盖到营销活动的范围之内;另一方面则使企业能够将统一的传播资讯传达给消费者。

所以,整合营销传播也被称为”Speak With One Voice”(用一个声音说话)即营销传播的一元化策略。 两个特性 战术的连续性是指所有通过不同营销传播工具在不同媒体传播的信息都应彼此关联呼应。”战略的导向性”强调在一个营销战术中所有包括物理和心理的要素都应保持一贯性。所谓物理的连续性是指在所有营销传播中的创意要素要有一贯性。

譬如在一个营销传播战术中可以使用相同的口号、标签说明以及在所有广告和其他形式的营销传播中表现相同行业特性等。心理的连续性是指对该机构和品牌的一贯态度,它是消费者对公司?quot;声音”与”性格”的知觉,这可通过贯穿所有广告和其他形式的营销传播的一贯主题、形象或语调等来达成。 战略的导向性,它是设计来完成战略性的公司目标。




1、认知的整合 这是实现整合营销传播的第一个层次,这里只有要求营销人员认识或明了营销传播的需要。

2、形象的整合 第二个层次牵涉到确保信息与媒体一致性的决策,信息与媒体一致性一是指广告的文字与其他视觉要素之间要达到的一致性;二是指在不同媒体上投放广告的一致性。

3、功能的整合 是把不同的营销传播方案编制出来,作为服务于营销目标(如销售额与市场份额)的直接功能,也就是说每个营销传播要素的优势劣势都经过详尽的分析,并与特定的营销目标紧密结合起来。

4、协调的整合 第四个层次是人员推销功能与其他营销传播要素(广告公关促销和直销)等被直接整合在一起,这意味着各种手段都用来确保人际营销传播与非人际形式的营销传播的高度一致。例如推销人员所说的内容必须与其他媒体上的广告内容协调一致。

5、基于消费者的整合 营销策略必须在了解消费者的需求和欲求的基础上锁定目标消费者,在给产品以明确的定位以后才能开始营销策划,换句话说,营销策略的整合使得战略定位的信息直接到达目标消费者的心中。

6、基于风险共担者的整合 这是营销人员认识到目标消费者不是本机构应该传播的唯一群体,其他共担风险的经营者也应该包含在整体的整合营销传播战术之内。例如本机构的员工、供应商、配销商以及股东等。

7、关系管理的整合 这一层次被认为是整合营销的最高阶段。关系管理的整合就是要向不同的关系单位作出有效的传播,公司必须发展有效的战略。这些战略不只是营销战略,还有制造战略、工程战略财务战略人力资源战略以及会计战略等,也就是说,公司必须在每个功能环节内(如制造、工程、研发、营销等环节)发展出营销战略以达成不同功能部门的协调,同时对社会资源也要作出战略整合。


1、建立消费者资料库 这个方法的起点是建立消费者和潜在消费者的资料库,资料库的内容至少应包括人员统计资料心理统计消费者态度的信息和以往购买记录等等。整合营销传播和传播营销沟通的最大不同在于整合营销传播是将整个焦点置于消费者、潜在消费者身上,因为所有的厂商、营销组织,无论是在销售量或利润上的成果,最终都依赖消费者的购买行为。

2、研究消费者 这是第二个重要的步骤,就是要尽可能使用消费者及潜在消费者的行为方面的资料作为市场划分的依据,相信消费者”行为”资讯比起其他资料如”态度与意想”测量结果更能够清楚地显现消费者在未来将会采取什么行动,因为用过去的行为推论未来的行为更为直接有效。


3、接触管理 所谓接触管理就是企业可以在某一时间、某一地点或某一场合与消费者进行沟通,这是90年代市场营销中一个非常重要的课题,在以往消费者自己会主动找寻产品信息的年代里,决定”说什么”要比”什么时候与消费者接触”重要。然而,现在的市场由于资讯超载、媒体繁多,干扰的”噪声”大为增大。目前最重的是决定”如何,何时与消费者接触”,以及采用什么样的方式与消费者接触。

4、发展传播沟通策略 这意味着什么样的接触管理之下,该传播什么样的信息,而后,为整合营销传播计划制定明确的营销目标,对大多数的企业来说,营销目标必须非常正确同时在本质上也必须是数字化的目标。例如对一个擅长竞争的品牌来说,营销目标就可能是以下三个方面:激发消费者试用本品牌产品;消费者试用过后积极鼓励继续使用并增加用量;促使他牌的忠态者转换品牌并建立起本品牌的忠诚度。

5、营销工具的创新 营销目标一旦确定之后,第五步就是决定要用什么营销工具来完成此目标,显而易见,如果我们将产品,价格,通路都视为是和消费者沟通的要素,整合营销传播企划人将拥有更多样、广泛的营销工具来完成企划,其关键在于哪些工具,哪种结合最能够协助企业达成传播目标。

6、传播手段的组合 所以这最后一步就是选择有助于达成营销目标的传播手段,这里所用的传播手段可以无限宽广,除了广告,直销、公关及事件营销以外。事实上产品包装,商品展示,店面促销活动等,只要能协助达成营销及传播目标的方法,都是整合营销传播中的有力手段。In the party to carry out thought people honest and pragmatic as the main content of the party’s mass line of educational practice, the party’s eighteen to make a major deployment. The Central Committee issued < in the party carry out the party’s mass line of educational practice views >.6 month on the 18th, the Central Committee held the party’s mass line of educational practice working conference on, Xi general secretary at the meeting made an important speech, Comrade Comrade attended the meeting and on how to carry out the mass line is good education practice of the arrangement of deployment of 6 April 22 to 25, Central Political Bureau held special meeting, control implement the central The eight prescribed ideological reality and the actual work, to carry out criticism and self-criticism, further study on strengthening and improving the style construction of specific measures, for the whole party to carry out educational practice made an example. Group Party attaches great importance to educational practice, respectively on June 23, July 3, held special meeting, the documents of the Central Committee General Secretary Xi and a series of important speech to convey the spirit of learning, study and formulate the Corporation of party work plan for the mass line of educational practice and on the activities of the arrangements for the deployment of. Now, I talk about the four aspects of the problem. A full understanding of the significance of the party’s mass line of educational practice The mass line is the lifeline and the basic line of work of the party. To carry out the party’s mass line of educational practice is party in the new situation must insist on the party manage the party, strictly is great and decision-making, conform to the expectations of the masses, to strengthen the learning type, service and innovation of Marxist ruling party’s construction of a major deployment, is the important measure to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Education practice activities, to keep the party’s advanced nature and purity, consolidating the party’s ruling foundation and ruling position, to effectively change the style of work, to further promote the spirit of “Three Gorges”, the strategic goal of building a world-class clean energy group, has significant and the profound Significance. First, to carry out the party’s mass line of educational practice, is implementing the spirit of the party’s eighteen and realize the dream of China, is the inevitable requirement of the Three Gorges dream. Party 18 put forward the struggle goal of “two hundred years”, namely in the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in China to completed a comprehensive well-off society, in New China was founded 100 years built a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country. Party after eighteen, General Secretary Xi proposed the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese dream is the dream nation, people’s dream and dream of every Chinese enterprise. The full realization of the goals of the Twelfth Five Year Plan , in 2020 to basically completed a world-class clean energy group is in the hearts of the Three Gorges new “Three Gorges dream”, is an integral part of the Chinese dream. To realize the party’s eighteen identified goals and realize the Chinese dream, dream of the Three Gorges, we must develop in close contact with the masses of the fine style of work, bearing in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, and hedonism and extravagant wind; must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, all from a practical point of view, follow the rules of market economy and the development of enterprises, promote enterprise of scientific development; must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all the cadres and workers, initiative, creativity, Boost Qi God, twisted into a vigor, unite as one to tackle tough, in order to realize the dream of China, the Three Gorges dream and struggle. The second, to carry out the party’s mass line of educational practice, is to strengthen the state-owned enterprise party construction, keep the party’s advanced nature and purity, consolidating the party’s ruling foundation and ruling status of inevitable requirement. The party’s advanced nature and the party’s ruling status is not a once and for all, immutable. Past advanced does not equal the present advanced, now advanced is not equal to advanced forever. In the past have not equal to now have, now have is not equal to always have. Keep the party’s advanced nature and purity, consolidating the party’s ruling foundation and ruling position, is the party’s Facing the construction of the fundamental problem and the subject of the times. Central enterprises is completed a comprehensive well-off society in an important force, is an important pillar of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is an important basis for the Communist Party of China. To carry out the party’s mass line of educational practice, is to further strengthen and improve the party’s leadership, play the exemplary vanguard role of Party members, the people honest and pragmatic value pursuit deeply rooted in the thoughts and actions of all Party members, and keep the party’s advanced nature and purity. It is to hold to a party to want to manage the party, strictly, so as to promote the ideological and working style construction of the party building in all respects, Party of the body and the party ranks of self purification, self end At the beginning of the good, self innovation, self – improvement; is to further development of Zhuang country economy and enhance control of state-owned enterprises, influence and vitality to further consolidate the party’s ruling foundation, to consolidate the party’s ruling status. Third, to carry out the party’s mass line of educational practice, is vigorously carry forward the spirit of “Three Gorges”, “four winds” in the control group of scientific development outstanding issues to solve the inevitable requirement. The central government decided to the mass line of educational practice is mainly focus on style building, efforts to solve formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagant wind “four winds”. In the process of long-term construction of the Three Gorges project, the company Always maintain a hard work, truth-seeking and pragmatic, scientific and democratic, solidarity and cooperation of the fine style of work, unity and lead all the Three Gorges builders tenacious struggle, the successful completion of the Three Gorges project construction tasks, to the party and the people on the a qualified answer. Second, conscientiously implement the central spirit, solidly carry out the party’s mass line of educational practice central the education practice of guiding ideology, objectives, tasks, basic principles, methods, steps made specific provisions, Party accordingly formulated the < on the in-depth development of the party’s mass line of educational practice implementation scheme. Party organizations at all levels must conscientiously implement the spirit of the central government, do a good job of scheme To carry out the execution, guarantee the educational practice to achieve the worker masses satisfactory effect. Is the guiding ideology of the Corporation of Party’s mass line of educational practice, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively implement the party’s eighteen big spirits, to Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents” and the scientific development concept as a guide, closely around the keep the party’s advanced nature and purity that pragmatic and honest people as the main content, the implementation of the provisions of the central eight as a starting point, strengthen the education of the Marxist view of the masses and the party’s mass line, with excellent style ningxinjuli for The construction of the Three Gorges project, the development of the Yangtze River, building a world-class large-scale clean energy group to provide a strong guarantee. The theme of group company of educational practice is changing the style, ningxinjuli, for the construction of a world-class clean energy group to provide a strong guarantee. Methods: take the lead of the party, from top to bottom. The focus of education is the leading bodies at all levels, leading organs and deputy division level and above cadres. Focusing the outstanding problem is: oppose formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagant wind. By resolutely opposed “to the four winds”, efforts to solve outstanding problems of Party members and cadres in the party spirit party party, affecting the outstanding problems of scientific development to the group company , the outstanding problems of the workers and the masses are strongly. To achieve the goal of requirements are: enhance the ideological quality of the cadres as well as to effectively change the style of work, close party masses relationship, establish image of pragmatic and honest people of. According to the requirements of the central, group company as Wuguan enterprises to participate in the party’s mass line of the first batch of educational practice. Among them, group leadership and the departments of the headquarters of educational practice, by the central leadership and sent a steering group. Group owned enterprises and units in late August started, under the leadership of the Party group carry out educational practice, by the party sent a steering group of supervision and inspection. Corporation group and subordinate units of Education Practice time staggered, stubble, in accordance with the requirements of the quality of the progress of the subject of for complete educational practice at the end of November. In accordance with the provisions of the central, education and practice activities divided into three links to. The first link is learning education, listen to their views. The focus of this part is to make a good job in the publicity and ideological education, carry out investigation and study, listen to the opinions of the masses of workers, for revealing and criticism to prepare. Consider to propaganda, focus on learning and education, held a forum, to seek the views of the tasks are relatively heavy, the first link time arranged more than a month, to the end of August. The key learning education is to improve the Ideological awareness, firmly establish the Marxist view of the masses, bearing in mind the wholeheartedly the fundamental purpose of serving the people. To me to learn the spirit of the central document, carefully read the < on the mass line – an important discussion excerpts >, selected documents > < the party’s mass line of educational practice in learning, < austerity against waste – an important discussion excerpts > the learning materials, learning Xi Jinping and other leading comrades of the Central Committee on strengthening the construction of style of a series of important exposition, learning the glorious history of the CPC and the fine tradition of ideological reality, the transformation of the subjective world, building prison ideological line of defense. Explicitly requested by the party, the party members and cadres to participate in learning when Room shall be not less than 30 hours, on business to timely make up a missed lesson, deputy division level and above cadres to writing reading experience. In the learning stage of education, party to schedule three discussion focused on learning. Is around the stick to the mass line of the party, masses viewpoint, how close party group do group carry out study and discussion topics; the second is based on anti-corruption and maintain cadres honest invite experts to give lectures, to further enhance the ability to resist corruption and cadres; three is to implement the provisions of the central eight carry out inspections, to change the style, ningxinjuli, for the construction of a world-class clean energy group provide strong guarantee as the theme to carry out special topic for discussion.5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 刚才,XX汇报了一季度经济运行情况;其它30多个市直单位、9个县市区印发了书面材料,大家对形势的分析都比较理性、客观,对做好下阶段的工作信心较足、措施具体;几位市领导结合分管工作,谈了很好的意见;等会,易书记还将作重要讲话,大家务必认真领会精神,切实抓好落实。










(五)抓实“民生100工程”,强化民生保障。认真组织实施“民生100工程”项目,全面落实创业就业、社会保障、义务教育、医疗卫生等各项民生政策和农村安全饮水、“两房两棚”“两供两治”等各项民生工程项目,推动民生大提质。以罗霄山片区县为重点,继续实施精准扶贫,进一步加大精准扶贫、驻村帮扶、金融扶贫试点工作力度,积极创新扶贫机制,切实加快脱贫致富奔小康步伐。通过民生大提质,不断增加城乡居民收入,为扩大消费需求奠定基础。扎实开展安全生产“十大战役”攻坚活动,确保安全生产形势持续稳定好转。把良好的生态环境作为重大民生事业,更加重视生态建设和环境保护,扎实推进省政府湘江流域保护和治理“一号重点工程”。扎实做好防汛抗旱准备工作,对各类水利设施、尾砂库、地质灾害易发点组织开展安全隐患排查和整改,确保安全度汛。同志们, 实现“双过半”目标的时间非常紧迫、任务非常艰巨。大家一定要对照目标找差距,以“抓落实”为工作导向,精准施策、精准发力,努力实现“双过半”,为圆满实现全年目标奠定基础。



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